Scout Camp

Camp is about an hour away. We met at a local grocery store to consolidate and caravan down. Good thing that scouts are prepared. No one brought the trailer for the gear. So the leader left to go fetch it. About a half hour later he was back with a trailer that had a flat tire. We changed the tire, and by we I mean the dads who were there.
During the wait we, this time I mean the moms, looked around and decided that the few remaining items that were not packed would probably fit in the vehicles that we had. But we must have the trailer. It's all part of the plan. So we waited.
Since we had time to weigh our options, we pulled a few things out of one minivan and stowed them in this necessary trailer. This made it possible for all 5 boys from Drew's patrol to fit in one car. And it meant that I didn't have to drive!
It is 96 degrees in the shade today. After 75 minutes in the parking lot, sans shade, they were off. Lets hope the chlorinated pool works magic on them because all bets say that the boys won't shower this week.
While at camp, Drew will be earning merit badges for first aid, swimming and rifles. Ironic as it seems to us, he didn't want to take rifles. I think he's a little afraid of the size of the firearm. I think that he will love it though. He's good at archery and bb gun shooting. I think he will excel at this, too.
Wednesday I'm off to family night at camp. I haven't figured out which family members will accompany me. It's kind of a late night for some of the kids and it is a board meeting night for Andy. I'll report back as to whether Drew has shot off any of his limbs and if he appears to have bathed since this morning.

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