Sunday, June 03, 2007

Language Acquisition

Case 1:

Tim has learned his first knock-knock joke.

Who's there?
Banana who?

Repeat 300 times

Who's there?
Orange who?

Orange you glad I didn't say banana!

At this point he sometimes begins again. Only instead of banana he says red. Then he asks about every other color. He thinks he is hysterical.

Case 2:

During our return flight, Tim and I peered out the window of the plane. We looked at fields, farm houses and grain elevators. Tim commented that he was all done, meaning he wanted to get off the plane and stop traveling immediately. He's two. As this was an impossibility, we searched for our house. Another impossibility, but not if you are two. Eventually I asked him if he liked Illinois. His response: "No, I like Meganois."


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