Monday, May 21, 2007

This Kid Rocks!

Yesterday, I took Ellen to swimming. Before I left, I gave Andy, who was engrossed in a video game, the following information:

1. I'm leaving.
2. Ellen is with me. You have the rest.
3. Nobody has eaten lunch.
4. Tim will need a nap.
5. I'm leaving. You're in charge of three kids.

Upon my return, a quick glance at the table tells me that at least some kids have eaten. I locate Megan then Drew. I can't find Tim so I find Andy instead, still engrossed in the video game.
Me: It looks like they ate. Did you put Tim down for a nap?
Andy: No.
Me: Where is he?
Andy: I don't know.
Hmm. Did he miss points 4 and 5?
Sometimes Tim sneaks up to watch our TV. "Your bed is wozy, Mama." Sometimes he plays in his room. I head upstairs. His door is closed. I turn the knob and find a sleeping Tim. He tucked himself in when he got tired. I'll keep this one!


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