Saturday, June 02, 2007


The week before we arrived in Duck, NC, the weather was overcast and the temperatures were in the sixties. All week. Next week, they are expecting thunder storms and a tropical storm or maybe even a hurricane. But we got lucky. We saw approximately 5 clouds all week. They were small and puffy white and did not appear until Friday. The beach temperature was near 80 all week and the water was warm enough for quick dips. This is my picture of the sky, not Tim.

The house was right on the beach so the kids could go to the beach without us, as long as they stayed out of the water. One morning they went out at 7:30 to continue their Guinness Book of World Records hole. They also built a moated castle that survived the high tide. Here they are in the middle of it.
Just about every day the dolphins came to perform for us. They would swim by and sometimes splash with their tails. One afternoon they played in front of our house for two hours. Did I mention that they were about 25 feet off shore? Sorry, no telephoto lens. Just my 3X zoom. Maybe next time I'll have my dream camera.
We did drag ourselves off the beach a few times. We played mini golf, went on a nature walk, went boating and checked out Kitty Hawk.
But basically it was a great, lazy beach vacation. So lazy that everyone read at least one book while we were there


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