Sunday, June 10, 2007

Cinnamon Rolls

I can't take credit for this recipe. I found it on the internet. But it is scrumptious. My kids request these for breakfast on their birthdays.

1T dry yeast
1C warm milk
1/3 C sugar
1/2 C melted butter
1t salt
2 eggs
4 C flour

Dissolve yeast in milk. Add remaining ingredients. Knead into a ball. Let rise until doubled. Roll out 1/4" thick. It will be about 9X13.

1/4 C butter, softened
1C brown sugar
3T cinnamon

Spread butter on dough. Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon evenly. Roll dough into a tube. Roll it from the long side. Slice the roll into 1" pieces. Place on greased pan. Let rise again until doubled. Bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees.

Hint: Slice with dental floss. Slip floss under the roll, criss cross the ends, then pull.

1/2C butter, softened
1 1/2C powdered sugar
1 oz cream cheese
2T whipping cream
1t vanilla
pinch salt

Combine the icing ingredients and beat until fluffy. When rolls are hot, spread the icing on them.

To prepare these the night before, skip the final rise. Let them rise in the refrigerator overnight. Bake in the morning.


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