Sunday, February 18, 2007

Crossing Over

Today was the Blue and Gold Banquet. You know the one. 70 sugared and bored boys age 10 and under and their families.

Today Drew was awarded his Arrow of Light. This is the highest award that one can earn as a Cub Scout. The award is actually a pin that they wear on their uniform. The large arrow that he is holding is just a commemorative thing. He also received his 5 year service pin. Then he crossed over into Boy Scouts. You can tell because the little shoulder things (that have a better name that I don't know) are no longer blue, but are now red. Also, no hat or neckerchief.

This dinner is usually held at the high school. But this year someone else was using their cafeteria. So ours was held at the middle school. The change of venue is not what this event will be remembered for. It was the fire alarm that sounded during the leader recognition, right before the boys crossed over. We suspect the first year Webelos. They are like that. (Just kidding. It was someone looking for the light switch in the boys locker room. Like who, on a Sunday afternoon of a holiday weekend. I still suspect the first year Webelos.) Sorry, you can't see the flash and I'll spare you the sound. The evacuation was only 15 minutes. Yeah!

His entire patrol chose the same Boy Scout Troop. Here are the proud boys.

Unfortunately, I'm amazed at the rudeness of the families. Yes, it's boring. Yes, it's a family event. And yes, we were sitting toward the back. But the volume of the conversations while the scouts were receiving their awards was unbelievable. And it wasn't just the children. But we're done. At least for 5 years.


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