Tuesday, February 20, 2007


This is what my family looks like during a typical dinner. No matter how well they kept it together all day, they dissolve into clowns the minute the food hits the table. They can no longer contain their silliness. It starts out as a little joke, or funny story and rapidly progresses to uproars of laughter. And by uproar, I really mean screech. Loud. Want to bury your head in the sand volume. Chairs are a nuisance since they don't sit in them. Drew hasn't used a chair since second grade. Timothy fetches the remote and chants "Mickey" while waving it in our faces. One girl is frequently sulking.

Since at least the adults and occasionally a child don't enjoy this time together, we have established guidelines and things have been looking up the past few days. In an effort to address overall interaction, we just began to work on a family mission statement. Over dinner. So last night while most were quipping what they anticipated we wanted to hear, Megan chose the honest route.

Megan: I think that we should have more love. Drew and Ellen are always mean to me.
Andy: Is that true, Drew?
Drew: Only after Ellen does it first.
Andy: Is that true, Drew?
Drew: Only after Ellen does it first.
Andy: I heard you. Is that true, Drew?
Drew: Sometimes.
Megan: All the time.
Andy: Do you have something that you would like to say now, Drew?
Drew: With a baby tone. Sorry.
Megan: It's not enough!

Perhaps some of their troubles stem from the fact that Andy and I could only keep a straight face for about 2 seconds before erupting into the same fits of laughter that make us insane.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Crossing Over

Today was the Blue and Gold Banquet. You know the one. 70 sugared and bored boys age 10 and under and their families.

Today Drew was awarded his Arrow of Light. This is the highest award that one can earn as a Cub Scout. The award is actually a pin that they wear on their uniform. The large arrow that he is holding is just a commemorative thing. He also received his 5 year service pin. Then he crossed over into Boy Scouts. You can tell because the little shoulder things (that have a better name that I don't know) are no longer blue, but are now red. Also, no hat or neckerchief.

This dinner is usually held at the high school. But this year someone else was using their cafeteria. So ours was held at the middle school. The change of venue is not what this event will be remembered for. It was the fire alarm that sounded during the leader recognition, right before the boys crossed over. We suspect the first year Webelos. They are like that. (Just kidding. It was someone looking for the light switch in the boys locker room. Like who, on a Sunday afternoon of a holiday weekend. I still suspect the first year Webelos.) Sorry, you can't see the flash and I'll spare you the sound. The evacuation was only 15 minutes. Yeah!

His entire patrol chose the same Boy Scout Troop. Here are the proud boys.

Unfortunately, I'm amazed at the rudeness of the families. Yes, it's boring. Yes, it's a family event. And yes, we were sitting toward the back. But the volume of the conversations while the scouts were receiving their awards was unbelievable. And it wasn't just the children. But we're done. At least for 5 years.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Some Kids Are Just More Entertaining Than Others

I like my bed made. There is nothing better than clean sheet day when the covers are just right. And on non-laundry day, every attempt should be made to return the bed to a fresh status. So, each morning I make the bed so I feel good about going to sleep that evening.

My children also like to get into a freshly made bed. So, today as I emerged from the shower, I found Tim. He empties a laundry basket then turns it upside down to create a stool. Then he climbs up.

Me: Hi, Tim. You're in my bed.
Tim: Yes, I'm tying to seep.
Me: You like it in there?
Tim: Yes, it's wozy.
Tim is 2. So, if he can't see you, then you must not he there. He loves hiding in the pantry. We're not sure why. He can't reach the food that he likes. He does, however, like to rearrange the spices.

Here you see him playing peek-a-boo in the pantry. Notice the Mickey Mouse in one hand and the remote control in the other. He thinks that the remote is Toodles, Mickey's helper. He spends so much time in the closet that we think it may contain a secret portal to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We're hopeful that our insurance will cover therapy down the road when he is sure that we locked him in there.

All my kids liked glasses when they were 2. And all my kids wore them upside down. We actually think that Tim may eventually wear glasses because he looks so natural in Drew's glasses. Most usually opted for sunglasses. But we've never known a child to borrow from Mr. Potato Head.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

From Sky To Mountaintop

From mountaintop to ground. It's still snowing. It's been precipitating for 25 hours now. This picture is the girls around 2PM this afternoon. That is a natural pile they are standing behind. But a drift. Do you see the grass in the middle of the yard? Very windy.

They are predicting that this will continue until about midnight. So guess what? They are all home again tomorrow! I really don't mind having them here but the girls are pouting because it's Valentine's Day and that means parties. I'm running Ellen's but I may be just sending supplies. Andy was going to stay with the littles. He can't just keep changing his schedule. And in the mean time, I don't know if or when they will reschedule and those cupcakes won't keep indefinitely. I've been fighting off the vultures all day.

I read that at 2PM Springfield had 9.9 inches of snow - the eighth highest snowfall total ever. The record: 15" in 1900. Today is the first day that I wished we still had a snow blower.

This is our UNSHOVELED walk at 2PM. That's how windy it is. It is all in a 4 foot pile on the side of the house.

The road crews were out this morning. I saw them plow us around 8AM. That was the last I saw of them until 10 minutes ago. It's like they just gave up and shut down the city. Even though it's still coming down and looks as hard as it has all day, they are saying only about another inch. But the radar has looked like that all afternoon. Perhaps it is a good omen.

Unplug the Weather Radio!

Why, oh why, must the National Weather Service make changes to the forecast and broadcast it with that annoying wake-the-dead alarm? Oh, because conditions change. But why, oh why must they do this at 4AM? Oh, because it might be a tornado. Well, if it's a tornado then wake me. If it's a snow storm, leave me alone.

Monday at 4:05AM CST they woke me up to report that the winter storm watch had been upgraded to a warning - with precipitation beginning at 6PM. Did they really need to wake me up for that? It was 14 hours away. Surely I would wake up on my own during that time and find out more about the storm that they had been talking about since Sunday morning. It's not like it snuck up on us. Incidentally, they were correct. Our first rain drop fell at 6:05PM.

Tuesday at 3:50AM CST they woke me up again. This time to cancel the winter storm warning and issue a blizzard warning. What you need to remember is that all that is required to make a blizzard of poor visibility and wind. It doesn't even have to be snowing, just blowing snow. Well, maybe trace amounts of falling preciitation are required. And it's always windy here, making blizzards more common in Illinois than New England. So, what did they think I would do with this information?

So, we're all home. I anticipated this and picked up the few items that I needed for Ellen's Valentine's Day party so I could get ready today. But so much help. Snow should be fun. But the wind chill is in the single digits and it's blowing at blizzard force. In fact, I my entire front walk is clear because it's so dry and the wind took care of it for me. That means that they will all be inside all day. And the only hope of entertainment is neighborhood friends. It's not that we don't like the neighbors, but they aren't the favorites. And it is Tuesday. Warcraft update morning. Meaning you can't play while they do their maintenance.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

My Vacuum Cleaner Sucks

I don't remember when we bought our vacuum cleaner. I'd guess that it was about the time we bought our first house. That would make it 12-13 years ago. I don't know whether we bought a good one or not. We probably thought it was good for our price range.
Well, about 10 days ago I was cleaning the dirt from the floors and bumped into the base of a cabinet, as usual. Only this time, a little plastic prong snapped. It turns out that it was important. It attached the main part that houses the bag to the handle. Without it, the bag section flops around, causing the bag to disconnect. This means that the vacuum still sucks up debris but spews it out the top and back into the room. Bad. Very dusty.
So, I researched vacuums. I mentioned before that I miss my old library system. So much that I still use it. I can still use my faithful card and log in and access Consumer Reports. They said that the vacuum in the picture was the way to go. So that is the way I went. No, I didn't try super glue. But I did try a rubber band.
Wow, vacuums have come a long way. This one has a digital readout that tells you when the rug is clean. Duh, you need that? Don't you have eyes? Yes, I need that. I've been cursing the cheap rugs that were showing wear after 6 months. Guess what? When the vacuum says they are clean they look and feel new. Yes, it took a long time to remove a year and a half of dirt. It has inteli-clean. Sounds like a scam that you don't need to pay for but I love it! The more dirt it detects, the more suction it gives. I like the inteli-clean for the kids, too. All I have to do it test a section to know whether they did a good job or not. If it senses dirt, it tells me. I can change to a non-beater mode for wood floors. And it is much quieter that my old one. It's still a vacuum though, good for drowning out the kids when you need it. They got some smart mom feedback when designing this product!
And, it was on sale. A good sale.
So, come on over! My floors are ready for visitors. You might want to bring your own dust rag, though. Oh, and sorry about the title. Drew and Andy just don't get tired of that little joke.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Peace at Last

The search is over. Megan is going to be a Trinity Tiger next year. I had my list of questions and most of their answers were correct. Correct for me, that is. The classes are about the same size as our public schools but this kindergarten has a full time aide. They teach phonics. Speech services are available on-site. Students read historical fiction in English that correlates to their history lessons, beginning in Kindergarten. They have separate grammar instruction where they diagram sentences! They provide math acceleration. And, I like their logo.

Megan liked it because they have choir beginning in kindergarten. They also sponsor scout troops, from kindergarten on up. They have two playgrounds which they use every day, as long as it isn't raining and it is above 0*.

So, now I'm looking into becoming a Lutheran. Members pay 1/3 the price of non-members. Even if I opt out of that, there is enough value added to justify the non-member rate. Schools just don't cost very much around here.

No Sympathy From this Mom

Timothy loves to be chased. He runs the track through the kitchen, around the stairs, into the living room and passed the dining room. If someone is willing to pursue him, he can keep this up for hours. His love of the great chase carries over to anytime I need to get him into his coat, feed him a meal, or change his diaper. Basically, anytime I need to pick him up.

Yesterday the need arose to pick him up. So, he took off. He did a fast lap around the family room and dove onto the couch. There he writhed his little two year old body as if he were a worm or break dancing. I proceeded to scoop him up. He bucked his head and got me in the lip. This happens about once per week but that doesn't make the swelling or the blood any less real.

After a quick yell, I controlled my temper and went about our business. When I had calmed down enough to talk with him, I told him that he can't behave that way. That I knew he didn't mean to hurt Mommy but he did. Without ever looking up from the Matchbox car he was holding, he replied, "You'll be OK, Mom."

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Music Notes

The big day finally arrived. Not the Colts. Not the frigid weather. The music classes have come to fruition.

After two years of asking, Megan has taken up the piano. She is using a junior series of what the older kids have. It comes with a CD and focuses on the basics of music. It includes the keyboard but in a non reading way. She will be a concert pianist by age 10 if her enthusiasm doesn't wane. While Megan is ecstatic about here lessons, no one likes the clap-the-beat song from the CD better than Timothy. Perhaps there is a music class in our future, next year.
After at least three years of pleading, Ellen has a violin. It took over two months to get this together. If you are a violin teacher looking for students, I have an area for you. Since teachers are hard to come by, I approached the Youth Symphony about their starter strings program. We were told that it typically coincides with the school year. However, another girl about Ellen's age and with a similar piano background was inquiring at the same time. We've embarked on group lessons with this girl in the hopes that they will assimilate into the youth symphony program. Small world... When we arrived at the lesson, I knew the family from the park.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Aqua Teen

Mission accomplished. I never heard of this before yesterday, but I'm curious.