Monday, October 02, 2006

I Love My Babysitter

The calendar says that summer is over. The pool was closed today. Immediately after the pool guys left, I went to pick up the kids from school. 93* at the bank, accompanied by a blistering wind. And more of the same for tomorrow.

I have a great Monday morning babysitter. She is 12 or 13 and the oldest of 5 kids. Her siblings are all the same age as mine. They are so close that I feel the urge to make you a chart but for security purposes, you'll be spared. Really, we have 2 each who were born within a week of their counterpart. Anyway, they homeschool and allow her to do things like this provided they can plan around them. Today they played with the giant ball outside, used the swings, played hide and seek, read books, played Twister and dominoes and made lemonade from scratch. The TV was never on. And, she cleans up as they go! I so hope that at least one of mine turns out like this!

If you don't have children or can't tolerate bodily functions, move on now. While Tim hasn't used the potty, he puts up a big fuss before he poops. So, I started sitting him on his "pobby" when he behaves this way. I'm hopeful that he'll be the earliest yet! However, I got strong indications of readiness from one at an early age and it seemed to take MONTHS. I told him that when he's ready we'll go buy Thomas underwear. I sure hope that stuff exists!

Megan is forever asserting her independence. She now has a new dinner seat right next to dad. We know that she has a memory like an elephant so we don't buy that she "forgot" what we told her seconds earlier. She will learn that we do not give in to terrorists. She's still sweet much of the time but we don't jump through the hoops of a 5 year old. Today she told me the following that didn't go over so well:
1. I'll only read that if we play the game first.
2. I'll only do reading if we do math first.
3. I'll never go to bed until I watch the Latin.
4. I'll never go to bed until I have dessert.
FYI...I was helping her read 15 short sentences and I have no Latin expectations of her. Boy was she mad when she nicely and politely finished cleaning up the kitchen then I sent her to bed.

The big two are home this Thursday through Monday. Conferences and Columbus Day. We initially thought that we would go to Chicago but we're still up in the air. We want to see the King Tut exhibit at the Field Museum, the Star Wars exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry, tour the city from the lake and "do" Navy Pier. Both traveling exhibits run through the end of the year, but a boat ride in December doesn't sound too feasible or enjoyable. I'll keep you posted.


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