Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Odds and Ends

First off, I have a delinquent item. I have a nominee for a 2006 Darwin Award. You mess with wild animals, you die. This is a concept that most toddlers comprehend. Yet, Steve Irwin capitalized on his thrill seeking and guess what? He died.

Then there is the New Orleans Saints. Did FEMA pay the Falcons to look that bad? Has Michael Vick ever played a worse game? And what is with the people who don't have jobs or homes but reportedly purchased season tickets? Here's the theory. FEMA trailers suck. The Superdome is spacious. The price of a ticket, say $50, is a real bargain for the accompanying square footage. I think those people moved back in and are never leaving the dome.

I haven't read the news yet today so I don't know if the Superdome has thousands of change of address requests going out today. Likewise, I don't know what is up with gas. It was $1.97 at 8AM. Then it was $2.24 at 10AM. But only at half the stations. By noon, there was still a $.27 discrepancy. I'm just happy that I filled up yesterday for $1.98.

Timothy says "yes" cuter than any other kid ever. It sounds like "shess." He currently loves Matchbox cars, Brio trains, football and buses.

Megan wants to be sure that Santa knows what she wants and has plenty of time to fill the list.


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