She thinks that she likes it but I know that she only goes for the snack at the end. She never wants to play at home. We're still working on throwing with one hand and stepping into it with the opposite foot. She got her first hit last night. Well, sort of. Despite this being the T-Ball league, they pitch during the third and final inning. Depending on the night, the coach throws anywhere from 3-5 balls per batter. If you haven't connected, then they bring out the tee. Last night she made contact. Even with her blistering speed (a slow trot), she was thrown out at first. But that is OK. This is T-Ball. Everyone stays on first and everyone scores every inning. So, the team with more players always wins, even though we don't keep score.
More surprising than the fact that she made contact with the ball was that she was thrown out. After all, this is T-Ball. Remember when you played? Were you the kid picking dandelions? Or were you the one sitting atop second base? Or were you so busy waving to your friend on the other team that the ball dribbled past you? If you were the typical player, there would be no spot for you on the team of our opponents.
Look closely at the picture. See the caps with the red bill? Not league issue. See the matching red baseball socks? Not league issue. Every single player donned black baseball pants and cleats. And they had team batting helmets that matched their caps. T-Ball doesn't even issue batting helmets. (It's an Illinois thing. They don't recognize that T-ball is probably the most dangerous sport out there for 5 year olds and at least the dandelion picking pitchers should have head protection.) Sure, Megan wears baseball pants. That is because a wise mother told me that they are well worth the $7 because then they have one pair of pants that they can get filthy and torn while sliding into every base three times per game. And a worthwhile investment they have been. Her polyester beauties are currently stain and tear free and in their 5th season.
Back to the other team. They not only look like a baseball team, but they can throw and catch. And they were very small compared to our team. This Nazi team is headed by Hitler himself. You get yelled at if you are not in the ready position. You must be in the correct spot on the field or you will hear about it. And don't think about standing incorrectly at bat. I think this group of coaches probably got together 5 years ago and decided that it was time to breed an all star team for all ages. They are like that around here. No doubt the dads all played on the same high school team and so will their sons. How fortuitous that they were able to create boys!
I am not alone in my judgement. Hitler ordered pizza for his team and invited us to join them after the game. No doubt a ploy to recruit any talent that we may have. I was not the only mother to tell my child in a hushed "if you make a scene I'll kill you" tone that we were not eating their pizza.
Just for comparative purposes, this is what a T-Ball team is supposed to look like.
(I invoke Godwin's Law!)
Moira played t-ball last year. (Not this year, though. She wasn't that into it.) Her coach was also in charge of the t-ball league and decided to have an all-girl team.
She wasn't the only kid out there picking dandelions or playing in the dirt. They did seem to have a good time and you could see the progression of the kids' skills as the season went along. Some were more advanced than others, of course, but they all got better. No pitching, and each half inning was three outs or ten batters. No score was kept.
There was one team of "ringers". Isn't there always? Coaches yelling, players hand-picked (even though it was supposed to be a lottery) and at the upper end of the age range; they should have been playing at the next level. It wasn't as bad as it could have been. Brunswick is a BIG baseball town. The Little League all-star team always advances deep into the state tournament and has been to the LLWS. The High School team has won the state title a couple of times. There's an amateur team of high school players and twenty-somethings. They even have a parade for Little League opening day.
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