Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Big Brother is Alive and Well in IL

What is...
* as tall as a tractor trailer
* as low to the ground as a bus-like motor coach
* as long as a train car
* as wide as a lane on the interstate
* spotlessly clean, pitch black and has large gold lettering
* has no windows but makes you feel like you are being watched
* fear inspiring

Answer: Illinois Emergency Management Agency Mobile Command Center

At least, that is what I think it was. It definitely said "Illinois Emergency Management Agency" on the side. This truck was SCARY. Black, government SUVs look friendly next to the beast we saw. I can't find a picture, not for lack of trying. I suspect that they really don't want the public to know about this machine. They could have probably financed 10 years of the new Illinois free preschool for everyone program instead of making this purchase. (Watch for that as an upcoming entry.) This looks pretty close, though you can't appreciate the mammoth size like you can when you are parked next to it at the gas station. Strange, it would seem they should have a secret gas station.

It could contain a surgical suite for the implantation of internal tracking devices. It may contain a secret interrogation room. Maybe it is a way around outlawed torture chambers. It is no doubt run by big brother. Can you see that it has expanding sides, like a gigantic pop-up camper?

Maybe I just don't get out much, but please, if I am ever in need of emergency relief, someone come rescue me! I'd have to be really desperate before I sought assistance from this city on wheels. And the only way that my kids are allowed there is if I'm dead.

If you don't hear from me soon, come looking for me. They may not like my suppositions. I'm pretty sure I'll be locked in the vehicle. It would undoubtedly show up on aerial surveillance photos.


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