Friday, July 14, 2006

Future Careers Defined in One Scrub

I wonder what my parents thought I would choose for a career way back when I was a wee one. I wonder what they thought about my siblings. I wonder if they were remotely close with any of us.

After seeing the results of the scrubbing of the pool, I have a few hunches for my own brood.

Drew selected a spot and completely scrubbed it until his area was shining. He wasn't concerned with the pace of his progress, only in the thoroughness of his task. His attention to detail leads me to say that he might be an accountant, computer programmer, or maybe a surgeon.

Ellen was charged with cleaning the stairs. She uses a FlyLady approach. Swish and swipe. Some cleaning is better than no cleaning. Don't worry about being perfect. Speed counts. Her ability to see the big picture would make her a good manager or motivational speaker.

Megan. She basically flitted about and had trouble staying focused on one area. She was very good at looking busy without actually cleaning anything. She'll love to hang out by the water cooler. And state government would love to hire her!


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