Saturday, April 15, 2006

New Uses for Easter Bonnets

At last, no more wondering how the parkas look with the Easter dresses. And if you let the girls wear white shoes, even though it's before Memorial Day, will you lose them in the lingering snow? These are concerns to be left in the northeast. There will be no need to hide the cute light weight dress this year in Illinois. We've been in the mid to upper 80s for the last 3 days. The bulbs are up. Some have already gone. The trees are all in bloom. Our only hazard here will be more severe weather. So, our bonnets no longer need to resemble wool caps. Now they can be sun visors or rain hats.

My first friend turned 40 this week. And I have another hitting the big 4-0 in early May. These aren't acquaintances or the spouses of friends. I know lots of people in those categories who are already 40. These are people with whom I have spent considerable time. 40 doesn't feel very old but boy does it sound middle aged!

We got our first broken window this week. And none of our kids did it. Just ask them. And, we actually believe them. There is a hole suspiciously close to the size of a baseball in the outside pane of our double paned basement window. It somehow didn't go all the way through. Our kids seem to think that the likely suspect is the 9 year old who lives behind us. We have no proof and I'm sure this makes me a horrible person, but I want to go along with the kids on this one. The neighbor is a total pain in the butt. That's about the nicest thing I can think to say about her. So, more incentive to install the covers for the window wells. Let's hope that goes well. One of the directions says, and I quote, "Tap gently with sledge hammer."

Tim is a total ham. A few weeks ago he went to the doctor. She checked his eyes with one of those little lights. So, she held it up in front of her eye and faced him. My goofy kid thought he was having his picture taken. This is a more recent photo but the expression is the same.

And lastly, a few random pictures from the week:

Things I found in the washer or dryer this week. Yes, that's underwear. No, it doesn't belong to anyone in our house. No, we don't know who it belongs to. No, we have no idea how it got here.

Drew and Megan on a hike last weekend.

A rainbow across the street after a recent thunderstorm.


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