Saturday, April 08, 2006

Nose in a Book - Q1

Ever on the lookout for a good book, I thought that you might be, too. Here's what I've read this year.

The Seekers - Kent Family Chronicles #3 - John Jakes
OK is you like that kind of thing. Historical fiction.

Charlotte Mason Education - Catherine Levison
She believed in education through living books (that means real - like from the library, not a text) and journaling. Word intensive studies and nature.

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
It was my first attempt with this book. I've no idea how I got this far into life and avoided it. Keep at it through the first 10 chapters. It's worth the effort.

Hold on to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers - Gordon Neufeld
We already know that children are easily influenced by others but this is pretty scary stuff. I think that this makes a good companion to Changing Your Child's Heart by Steve Sherbondy.

Freakonomics - Steven D. Levitt
Good read. The cynical among you will enjoy this one.

The Sociopath Next Door - Martha Stout
Did you know that you know some?

The Middle Mind: Why Americans Don't Think for Themselves - Curtis White
I probably can't include this because apparently I do think for myself and chose to close the book. Perhaps it improves, but I only like rants with which I agree.

Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking - Malcolm Gladwell
I enjoyed the first half and finished the second half because I rarely quit a partially read book.

The Once and Future King - TH White
Definitely worth the time to read. Before I opened it, I never thought I'd make it through. It was recommended but I don't give a hoot about King Arthur or his Round Table. And 700 pages on the subject? BUT, very well written - funny and entertaining.

And then there is the children's literature.

Stuart Little - EB White
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
Gulliver's Stories - Dolch / Scholastic
I'm Too Fond of my Fur - Geronimo Stilton
Flat Stanley - Jeff Brown
The Railway Children - Edith Nesbit

I'll spare you the list of about 200 picture books. Yes, I actually keep a list.


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