Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mr. Metamom, (metadad?) had a birthday last week. He says that he doesn't feel any older. I finally got him a gift that he likes. It only took 19 years of gift giving to get it right. We got him an ipod with enough memory to house the Library of Congress. We also tried to recreate his favorite dish from his favorite restaurant in Saratoga. We came up with an adequate recipe for wasabi shrimp. We also grilled steaks for the first time this season.

It's that time of year again. The time where you rarely eat dinner as a family because all the kids are playing sports at dinnertime. Child #1 is playing baseball. Child #2 is playing softball. Child #3 is playing soccer. Child #4 is being dragged to these events. But one day I will require that #1, #2 and #3 attend his events.

Report cards came home this week and everyone did well. In fact, better than expected. We took them to their favorite restaurant to celebrate.

Friday was our performing arts day. I took #3 and #4 to see a traveling production of Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar. It was really cute. Maybe the best kid's show that I've seen. Here's a link to their site.

Then after #4 took a nap, we went to the recorder concert of #1. We were 2 minutes late and missed half the show. It met all our expectations of first year recorder players. I tried to take a picture but they always come out too dark in large spaces.

And finally, March tornados bring April tornado. Yep, we're under a severe thunderstorm warning for the next hour and a tornado watch until 11PM. I just finished putting our emergency kit together today. That should keep us safe!


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