Wednesday, March 15, 2006

We're Not in Kansas Anymore

OK, we never were in Kansas. I've never even visited Kansas. However, the weather in Illinois has been reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz. Being from the east until 9 months ago, Dorothy and Toto were my only points of reference until now.

When tornadoes are approaching, there are actual sirens that blare. They sound just like the ones on the Weather Channel commercial for tornado week. The only difference is that in addition to the closest siren I could also hear 2 other sirens in the background. I've since learned that these alarms don't peel often and we probably shouldn't have spent 5 minutes pondering the wisdom of relocating the children to the basement. Wisely we chose to err on the side of caution and took shelter underground.

Although the tornado struck our town, thankfully it missed us completely. It's truly amazing that one side of the road can be devastated while across the street the properties are in pristine condition. You hear about this phenomenon but it is astounding to witness.

Although we emerged unscathed, I learned that we should be more prepared than we were. It would be nice to know that candles, flashlights, and a battery powered radio are in a designated place. A change of clothes, including shoes, and an overnight bag would be a good idea. Don't forget diapers! Some water and snacks are worthwhile. A good book to entertain and distract the kids would be helpful. A hard drive backup and disc of photographs would be nice, if, like us, your life is contained on your PC. And unless the basement is finished, some pillows and blankets make the exile much more comfortable. I can't imagine much worse than tired children at 3AM huddled on a cold concrete slab.

We were about 3 miles removed from the path of the F2 and our yard only has some displaced plastic lawn furniture. I am extremely thankful for our safety and the composure that my young children maintained during the storms.


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