
Megan has become very certain that swimming is the sport for her. She swam 100 meters last week with the team with only brief pauses. She wants to try out for the team, too. She is now motivated to practice at home. She can do about 20 lengths of our pool in a reasonable time.
Not to be left behind, Ellen practices with her. Again. Drew noticed and started doing laps, too. I've been to enough practices that I can make them up well enough for our purposes. He's doing well, for someone who never really perfected any strokes. And he doesn't love running, his original athletic plan for the fall. He's going to try out for swimming instead.
Once you are on the team, the position is yours until you quit or seriously break the code of conduct. There are 5 different levels of swimmers, so there are many spots per age group. You need to swim a 50 without stopping to make the team.
If you are 6, I think they will accept a 25. Last year our team racked up points at every meet because we had 4, 6 and under girls. That is enough for a relay. Most teams don't have that many kids so young, so we always won. Since she turns 6 in a few days, this is in Megan's favor when it comes to making the team. Some of the other girls went and turned 7!
I think that I can count the number of 11 year old boy swimmers on one hand. They are all much stronger swimmers than Drew. But the numbers say, it is looking favorable for Drew. And if he doesn't make the team, he still plans on doing pre-team every week.
Now the fly in the ointment. 75% of any swim team is girls age 8-10. Ellen is 9. You can hope that some get older. You can hope that some quit. But even hoping that you are faster than those on the team already won't help you. Ellen has worked all year to make the team. Now the other 2 are interested and stand a reasonable chance of making it. And she has noticed. She pitched a small fit the other day about her need to be in a different level than her siblings.
So, as long as Ellen earns a place on the team, I'm as happy as a clam. They all want to do the same sport! Even if they don't all make the team, pre-team coincides with team practice. Yes, different levels have different practice times but I think they are close enough in ability that those times will overlap. Some might have to wait a little on the beginning or end but it would be one trip for me!
Now if I could only entice them to all play the same instrument! I was so close with the piano, but the big 2 like drums and violin better. I know the same sport might not last. Megan is young and I pushed Drew a little on it. But for now, life is good.
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