Wednesday, April 18, 2007


We've been in our house for almost two years. I've been stripping chairs for a week. Yesterday I splattered some of the stripping agent dangerously close to my eye. So I went in search of safety goggles. I wonder where one finds that box?
Today at the store I stumbled upon some clearance items. They had these cute and colorful buckets marked 90% off. I figured that I could use them for all the workbench stuff that is still packed. As I'm making my selections, some nice man told me that there is an additional 40% off coupon for clearance items and if I mention it to the checker, they will honor it. Cool. I choose 9. Then the man comes back with a coupon for me. I don't know where he found it. My grand total came to $3.69 plus tax.

I consolidated some poorly stored items in the garage onto one shelf and moved the empty one to the basement. Then I unpacked. I now know where to find things. I still don't know why we have 23 dull drill bits, 9 enormous files, and 37 Allen wrenches that are all 75 years old, but I know where to find them should I ever figure out a use for them. Does anyone else have 6 paint can openers? I'm thinking of letting Megan and Tim make wind chimes with them. And, I know where we keep the safety goggles. Anyone who uses an item and doesn't return it risks death.


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