Friday, April 06, 2007

Designer Jeans

This is the week that I will actually transfer the funds to my IRA for 2006. It only seems fair since we've had our tax refund for more than a month. I've been looking for the right company with which to invest this money. I recalled from the Amazing Girls story that some friends chipped in to purchase a pair of jeans as a birthday gift. Since they came from an upper class neighborhood and were sharing the cost, it pretty much guaranteed that they were expensive. It made me wonder if they are the next big thing in teen fashion - a VERY lucrative business. Who has more disposable income than a teenage girl? She lives at home, earns a paycheck, and has a boyfriend who pays for everything.

Before I continue you must know three things.
1) I've always been fashion indifferent.
2) My first stop when shopping is at Goodwill.
3) I'm a LONG way from being a teenager.

Can you say sticker shock!? $262.00 for a pair of ripped jeans? Are you kidding me? I don't like to spend more than $20, but I've been known to pay $30. At Goodwill jeans are $5.00. $262.00? Wouldn't you rather take a family vacation this year?

I've decided against this type of investment. Sure, you can make a killing, but aside from having tons of disposable income, teenage girls are fickle. When that new movie comes out next month starring the pop star du jour, they will only wear what she has on. And where does that leave the investor?

I am happy to report that my children are as fashion clueless as I. I asked them what the kids at school wear and what stores they frequent. Apparently they don't even realize that those words scrawled across every T-shirt and hoodie are corporate names. I did learn that my 8 year old daughter dislikes most of the clothes worn by her classmates. Good thing, because she's not leaving the house in them anyway.


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