Monday, January 08, 2007


While perusing the shelves of Barnes & Noble last week, I came across a gem called Amazing Leonardo da Vinci Inventions You Can Build Yourself. Amazing, indeed. It required normal household items. Many children's projects claim to use products that you have at home, and in fact, you do, after a $73 trip to the hardware store. Day 15 of our Christmas break called for a bit of action, so we built the helical air screw model. Aeronautical engineers we are not, as our creation neither flew nor received modification to achieve flight.
When I tried to snap a picture for your viewing pleasure, I was a little surprised that the camera batteries were dead. I quickly understood that there is a shutterbug under our roof. And there were bored students whose interests lay in aquatics. I knew about the sink trick, although fortunately for them they only got my wrist. I just didn't know that they were dumb enough to leave a trail allowing no shred of reasonable doubt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish we could have been there for the experiments. Glad to see your blog.

Tue Jan 09, 12:48:00 PM  

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