Saturday, December 30, 2006

Turning Two

When you are turning two, your wish list includes the following: birthday hats, balloons, cake and singing. Here's how the day played out.

Opening presents is easy now, especially with all the practice a few days ago.

2 pancakes = 1 mouth sweep to prevent imminent choking. Repeat process while eatting PB&J for lunch.

Family swim at the YMCA for a little afternoon entertainment.

Spaghetti is his favorite dinner. No mouth swiping.

Cake is so delicious that you need to dig your spoon into the frosting before blowing out the candles. All the while, the balloon never leaves your hand through 2 pieces.

After you have eaten the frosting and decide that you are still hungry, you eat a second large plate of spaghetti.

Top the day off with a Giant's game. Life doesn't get any better than this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We know Tim had a wonderful 2nd birthday!! Time flies!

Sun Dec 31, 12:23:00 AM  

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