
This is Timothy. Can you see the determination in his eyes? He's humoring me because I'm holding the camera and he's a ham, but his real mission is to climb out of the pool. If you can enlarge the picture, you will see that isn't a bruise above his right eye. It's ketchup. And the lump in his hair is sweet potatoes. There is also something orange in the ear that you can't see. Funny, I know I wiped him up after dinner. Being #4, he's always a little on the crunchy side. This is Timothy.
Tim is a guy on the go. He never walks. He's always running as fast as he can. If his ability to break my sleeper hold while changing his diaper is an indicator, he will one day be a champion wrestler. He does great going up stairs and hasn't attempted the descent. Just yesterday I found him perched on the highest point of the couch. He LOVES the pool but only if you let him play on the steps (which he goes down just fine) without holding him. He hates the confines of his baby boat.
Talking with Tim is like visiting the Tower of Babble. He talks as quickly as he walks. He produces all these sounds in rapid succession and it makes no sense. And if you ask him to tell you again, out comes the exact same string of gibberish. If you really listen closely, you can pick out an isolated word. Hopefully it's a significant one. Thankfully he answers yes / no questions truthfully and articulately 99% of the time. I make this sound worse than it is. He clearly communicates his needs and wants the vast majority of the time.
Tim has found his singing voice. His specialty is Dvorak's New World Symphony. Don't get excited and think I'm pushing him. His two favorite shows are Little Einsteins and Backyardigans. This song is on at least one Little Einstein episode and Drew is also playing it on the piano. It's very cute to hear his infrequently soft voice from the back of the car: "La-la-la, la-la-la, rocket needs a home."